
Arrays for simulation data#

The main class defined in this module is the SimArray class, which defines a shallow wrapper around numpy.ndarray for extra functionality like unit-tracking.

For most purposes, the differences between numpy.ndarray and array.SimArray are not important. However, when units are specified (by setting the units attribute), the behaviour is slightly different. In particular,

  • it becomes impossible to add or subtract arrays with incompatible dimensions

>>> SimArray([1,2], "Mpc") + SimArray([1,2], "Msol"))
  • addition or subtraction causes auto-unit conversion. For example

>>> SimArray([1,2], "Mpc") + SimArray([1,2], "kpc")
SimArray([1.001, 1.002], "Mpc")
  • Note that in this context the left value takes precedence in specifying the return units, so that reversing the order of the operation here would return results in kpc.

  • If only one of the arrays specifies a Unit, no checking occurs and the unit of the returned array is assumed to be the same as the one specified input unit.

  • Powers to single integer or rational powers will maintain unit tracking. Powers to float or other powers will not be able to do so.

>>> SimArray([1,2],"Msol Mpc**-3")**2
SimArray([1, 4], 'Msol**2 Mpc**-6')
>>> SimArray([1,2],"Msol Mpc**-3")**(1,3)
SimArray([ 1.,1.26], 'Msol**1/3 Mpc**-1')

Syntax above mirrors syntax in units module, where a length-two tuple can represent a rational number, in this case one third.

>>> SimArray([1.,2], "Msol Mpc**-3")**0.333
SimArray([ 1.,1.26])  # Lost track of units

Getting the array in specified units#

Given an array, you can convert it in-place into units of your own chosing:

>>> x = SimArray([1,2], "Msol")
>>> x.convert_units('kg')
>>> print(x)
SimArray([  1.99e+30,   3.98e+30], 'kg')

Or you can leave the original array alone and get a copy in different units, correctly converted:

>>> x = SimArray([1,2], "Msol")
>>> print(x.in_units("kg"))
SimArray([  1.99e+30,   3.98e+30], 'kg')
>>> print(x)
SimArray([1,2], "Msol")

If the SimArray was created by a SimSnap (which is most likely), it has a pointer into the SimSnap’s properties so that the cosmological context is automatically fetched. For example, comoving -> physical conversions are correctly achieved:

>>> f = pynbody.load("fname")
>>> f['pos']
SimArray([[ 0.05419805, -0.0646539 , -0.15700017],
         [ 0.05169899, -0.06193341, -0.14475258],
         [ 0.05672406, -0.06384531, -0.15909944],
         [ 0.0723075 , -0.07650762, -0.07657281],
         [ 0.07166634, -0.07453796, -0.08020873],
         [ 0.07165282, -0.07468577, -0.08020587]], '2.86e+04 kpc a')
>>> f['pos'].convert_units('kpc')
>>> f['pos']
SimArray([[ 1548.51403101, -1847.2525312 , -4485.71463308],
         [ 1477.1124212 , -1769.52421398, -4135.78377699],
         [ 1620.68592366, -1824.15000686, -4545.69387564],
         [ 2065.9264273 , -2185.92982874, -2187.79225915],
         [ 2047.60759667, -2129.6537339 , -2291.6758134 ],
         [ 2047.2214441 , -2133.87693163, -2291.59406997]], 'kpc')

Specifying rules for ufunc’s#

In general, it’s not possible to infer what the output units from a given ufunc should be. While numpy built-in ufuncs should be handled OK, other ufuncs will need their output units defined (otherwise a numpy.ndarray will be returned instead of our custom type.)

To do this, decorate a function with SimArray.ufunc_rule(ufunc). The function you define should take the same number of parameters as the ufunc. These will be the input parameters of the ufunc. You should return the correct units for the output, or raise units.UnitsException (in the latter case, the return array will be made into a numpy.ndarray.)

For example, here is the code for the correct addition/subtraction handler:

def _consistent_units(a,b) :

    # This will be called whenever the standard numpy ufuncs np.add
    # or np.subtract are called with parameters a,b.

    # You should always be ready for the inputs to have no units.

    a_units = a.units if hasattr(a, 'units') else None
    b_units = b.units if hasattr(b, 'units') else None

    # Now do the logic. If we're adding incompatible units,
    # we want just to get a plain numpy array out. If we only
    # know the units of one of the arrays, we assume the output
    # is in those units.

    if a_units is not None and b_units is not None :
        if a_units==b_units :
            return a_units
        else :
            raise units.UnitsException("Incompatible units")

    elif a_units is not None :
        return a_units
    else :
        return b_units


array_factory(dims, dtype, zeros, shared)

Create an array of dimensions dims with the given numpy dtype.


IndexedSimArray(array, ptr)

A view into a SimArray that allows for indexing and slicing.

SimArray(data[, units, sim])

A shallow wrapper around numpy.ndarray for extra functionality like unit-tracking.



Support for numpy arrays in shared memory.