


pynbody.plot.stars.sfh(sim, filename=None, massform=True, clear=False, legend=False, subplot=False, trange=False, bins=100, **kwargs)[source]#

star formation history

Optional keyword arguments:

trange: list, array, or tuple

size(t_range) must be 2. Specifies the time range.

bins: int

number of bins to use for the SFH

massform: bool

decides whether to use original star mass (massform) or final star mass

subplot: subplot object

where to plot SFH

legend: boolean

whether to draw a legend or not

clear: boolean

if False (default), plot on the current axes. Otherwise, clear the figure first.

By default, sfh will use the formation mass of the star. In tipsy, this will be taken from the starlog file. Set massform=False if you want the final (observed) star formation history


>>> import pynbody.plot as pp
>>> pp.sfh(s,linestyle='dashed',color='k')