

Routines for plots related to stellar particles


behroozi(xmasses, z[, alpha, Kravtsov])

Based on Behroozi+ (2013) return what stellar mass corresponds to the halo mass passed in.

contour_surface_brightness(sim[, band, ...])

Plot surface brightness contours in the given band.

f(x, alpha, delta, g)

guo(halo_catalog[, clear, compare, ...])

Stellar Mass vs.

hudson(xmasses, z)

Based on Hudson+ (2014), returns what stellar mass corresponds to the halo mass passed in. This is the only SMHMR function that is not based on abundance matching, but instead uses date from CFHTLenS galaxy lensing data. >>> from pynbody.plot.stars import hudson >>> xmasses = np.logspace(np.log10(min(totmasshalos)),1+np.log10(max(totmasshalos)),20) >>> ystarmasses, errors = hudson(xmasses,halo_catalog._halos[1].properties['z']) >>> plt.fill_between(xmasses,np.array(ystarmasses)/np.array(errors), y2=np.array(ystarmasses)*np.array(errors), facecolor='#BBBBBB',color='#BBBBBB').

mollview([map, fig, plot, filenme, rot, ...])

Plot an healpix map (given as an array) in Mollweide projection.

moster(xmasses, z)

Based on Moster+ (2013) return what stellar mass corresponds to the halo mass passed in.

oneschmidtlawpoint(sim[, center, pretime, ...])

One Schmidt Law Point

render(sim[, r_band, g_band, b_band, width, ...])

Make a 3-color image of stars.

render_mollweide(sim[, filename, r_band, ...])

Make a 3-color all-sky image of stars in a mollweide projection.

satlf(sim[, band, filename, MWcompare, ...])

satellite luminosity function

sbprofile(sim[, band, diskheight, rmax, ...])

surface brightness profile

schmidtlaw(sim[, center, filename, pretime, ...])

Schmidt Law

sfh(sim[, filename, massform, clear, ...])

star formation history

subfindguo(halo_catalog[, clear, compare, ...])

Stellar Mass vs.