

HBT+ halo catalogue support.

HBT+ and parent groups#

HBT+ identifies halos, not the parent groups (using the SubFind terminology). As a result, it may be used alongside a parent group catalogue. The pynbody reader can present a unified interface to the combined hierarchy, presenting groups from the parent catalogue as the top-level objects, with the HBT+ halos as children of these groups, and HBT+ subhalos as children of the HBT+ halos.

For example:

In [1]: import pynbody

In [2]: s = pynbody.load('testdata/gadget4_subfind_HBT/snapshot_034.hdf5')

In [3]: hbtplus_halos = s.halos(priority=["HBTPlusCatalogue"])

In [4]: subfind_groups = s.halos(priority=["Gadget4SubfindHDFCatalogue"])

In [5]: combined_catalogue = hbtplus_halos.with_groups_from(subfind_groups)

In [6]: combined_catalogue[0]
Out[6]: <SimSnap "testdata/gadget4_subfind_HBT/snapshot_034.hdf5:halo_0" len=307386>

We can tell that this is actually a SubFind group by inspecting its properties:

In [7]: combined_catalogue[0].properties['GroupMass'] # <-- a SubFind property
Out[7]: Unit("7.80e+44 g h**-1")

In [8]: subfind_groups[0].properties['GroupMass'] # <-- the same property accessed directly from SubFind
Out[8]: Unit("7.80e+44 g h**-1")

The subhalos attribute of each halo in the combined_catalogue will return the HBT+ subhalos that are children of the corresponding SubFind group:

In [9]: combined_catalogue[0].subhalos[0].properties['TrackId'] # <-- an HBT+ property
Out[9]: 54

Naturally, not only the properties but the particle information is available in the combined catalogue.



alias of HBTPlusCatalogue


alias of HBTPlusCatalogueWithGroups

HBTPlusCatalogue(sim[, halo_numbers, filename])

A class to represent a HBT+ halo catalogue.

HBTPlusCatalogueWithGroups(hbt_cat, group_cat)

A class to represent a HBT+ halo catalogue with parent groups from another finder.