


pynbody.plot.sph.volume(sim, qty='rho', width=None, resolution=200, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), vmin=None, vmax=None, dynamic_range=4.0, log=True, create_figure=True)[source]#

Create a volume rendering of the given simulation using mayavi.

Keyword arguments:

qty (rho): The name of the array to interpolate

width (None): The width of the cube to generate, centered on the origin

resolution (200): The number of elements along each side of the cube

color (white): The color of the volume rendering. The value of each voxel

is used to set the opacity.

vmin (None): The value for zero opacity (calculated using dynamic_range if None)

vmax (None): The value for full opacity (calculated from the maximum

value in the region if None)

dynamic_range: The dynamic range to use if vmin and vmax are not specified

log (True): log-scale the image before passing to mayavi

create_figure (True): create a new mayavi figure before rendering