


pynbody.plot.generic.hist2d(xo, yo, weights=None, mass=None, gridsize=(100, 100), nbins=None, make_plot=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot 2D histogram for arbitrary arrays that get passed in.


x: array

y: array

Optional keywords:

x_range: list, array, or tuple

size(x_range) must be 2. Specifies the X range.

y_range: tuple

size(y_range) must be 2. Specifies the Y range.

gridsize: (int, int) (default (100,100))

number of bins to use for the 2D histogram

nbins: int

number of bins for the histogram - if specified, gridsize is set to (nbins,nbins)

nlevels: int

number of levels to use for the contours

logscale: boolean

whether to use log or linear spaced contours

weights: numpy array of same length as x and y

if weights is passed, color corresponds to the mean value of weights in each cell

mass: numpy array of masses same length as x andy

must also have weights passed in. If you just want to weight by mass, pass the masses to weights

colorbar: boolean

draw a colorbar

scalemin: float

minimum value to use for the color scale

scalemax: float

maximum value to use for the color scale