

pynbody.plot.stars.render_mollweide(sim, filename=None, r_band='i', g_band='v', b_band='u', r_scale=0.5, g_scale=1.0, b_scale=1.0, dynamic_range=2.0, mag_range=None, width=25, nside=128, starsize=None, plot=True, axes=None, ret_im=False, clear=True, ret_range=False)[source]#

Make a 3-color all-sky image of stars in a mollweide projection. Adapted from the function pynbody.plot.stars.render

The colors are based on magnitudes found using stellar Marigo stellar population code. However there is no radiative transfer to account for dust.

Returns: If ret_im=True, an NxNx3 array representing an RGB image

Optional keyword arguments:

filename: string (default: None)

Filename to be written to (if a filename is specified)

r_band: string (default: ‘i’)

Determines which Johnston filter will go into the image red channel

g_band: string (default: ‘v’)

Determines which Johnston filter will go into the image green channel

b_band: string (default: ‘b’)

Determines which Johnston filter will go into the image blue channel

r_scale: float (default: 0.5)

The scaling of the red channel before channels are combined

g_scale: float (default: 1.0)

The scaling of the green channel before channels are combined

b_scale: float (default: 1.0)

The scaling of the blue channel before channels are combined

width: float in kpc (default:50)

Sets the size of the image field in kpc

starsize: float in kpc (default: None)

If not None, sets the maximum size of stars in the image

ret_im: bool (default: False)

if True, the NxNx3 image array is returned

ret_range: bool (default: False)

if True, the range of the image in mag arcsec^-2 is returned.

plot: bool (default: True)

if True, the image is plotted

axes: matplotlib axes object (deault: None)

if not None, the axes object to plot to

dynamic_range: float (default: 2.0)

The number of dex in luminosity over which the image brightness ranges

mag_range: float, float (default: None)

If provided, the brightest and faintest surface brightnesses in the range, in mag arcsec^-2. Takes precedence over dynamic_range.