"""Routines for calculating gravitational potential and accelerations.
.. seealso::
:mod:`pynbody.analysis.profile` provides a user-friendly interface to rotation curves.
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import numpy as np
from .. import array, config, units
from ..array import SimArray
from ..snapshot.simsnap import SimSnap
def direct(f: SimSnap, ipos: np.ndarray, eps: float | SimArray | None = None, num_threads: int | None = None):
"""Calculate the gravitational acceleration and potential at the specified positions
The gravitational softening length is determined by (in order of preference):
1. The parameter ``eps`` (scalar, unit or array)
2. The array ``f['eps']``
3. ``f.properties['eps']`` (scalar or unit)
f : :class:`pynbody.snapshot.SimSnap`
The snapshot containing the particles to be used in the calculation.
ipos : array_like
The position at which the potential is to be calculated.
eps : float, :class:`pynbody.units.Unit`, or array_like, optional
The gravitational softening length. See above for what happens if this is not specified.
num_threads : int, optional
The number of threads to use. If not specified, the number of threads is determined by the
configuration parameter ``number_of_threads``.
pot : :class:`pynbody.array.SimArray`
The gravitational potential at the specified positions, with units.
accel : :class:`pynbody.array.SimArray`
The gravitational acceleration at the specified positions, with units.
from ._gravity import direct
return direct(f, ipos, eps, num_threads or 0)
def all_direct(f: SimSnap, eps: float | SimArray | None = None):
"""Calculate the potential and acceleration for all particles in the snapshot using a direct summation algorithm.
The results are stored inside the snapshot itself, as f['phi'] and f['acc'].
.. warning::
The direct summation algorithm is implemented in Cython and parallelised. Nonetheless, given the O(N^2) scaling
of the algorithm, it quickly becomes prohibitive for large numbers of particles.
f :
The snapshot to calculate the potential and acceleration for
eps :
The gravitational softening length. See :func:`pynbody.gravity.direct` for details of
how this is used, or what happens when it is not specified.
phi, acc = direct(f, f['pos'].view(np.ndarray), eps)
f['phi'] = phi
f['acc'] = acc
def all_pm(f: SimSnap, ngrid: int = 10):
"""Calculate the potential and acceleration for all particles in the snapshot using a Particle-Mesh algorithm.
This is faster than, but much less accurate than, :func:`pynbody.gravity.all_direct`. It also takes into account
periodicity of the box.
The results are stored inside the snapshot itself, as ``f['phi']`` and ``f['acc']``.
.. warning::
PM calculations assume periodic boundary conditions, and are only accurate on large scales (much larger than
f :
The snapshot to calculate the potential and acceleration for
ngrid :
The number of grid points to use in each dimension for the Particle-Mesh calculation.
phi, acc = pm(f, f['pos'].view(np.ndarray), eps, ngrid=ngrid)
f['phi'] = phi
f['acc'] = acc
def pm(f: SimSnap, ipos: np.ndarray, ngrid:int = 10, x0=None, x1=None):
"""Calculate the potential and acceleration for a set of particles using a Particle-Mesh algorithm.
For large numbers of particles, this is faster than, but much less accurate than, :func:`pynbody.gravity.direct`.
It also takes into account periodicity of the box.
f :
The snapshot to calculate the potential and acceleration for
ipos :
The positions of the particles to calculate the potential and acceleration for
x0 :
The lower bound of the grid in each dimension. If ``None``, the minimum of the snapshot's positions will be
x1 :
The upper bound of the grid in each dimension. If ``None``, ``x0 + f.properties['boxsize']`` will be used.
phi : array.SimArray
The gravitational potential at the specified positions
grad_phi : array.SimArray
The gravitational acceleration at the specified positions
if x0 is None:
x0 = f['pos'].min()
if x1 is None:
x1 = x0 + f.properties['boxsize']
dx = float(x1 - x0) / ngrid
grid, edges = np.histogramdd(f['pos'],
range=[(x0, x1), (x0, x1), (x0, x1)],
grid /= dx ** 3
recip_rho_grid = np.fft.rfftn(grid)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(ngrid, d=dx)
kvecs = np.zeros((ngrid, ngrid, ngrid / 2 + 1, 3))
kvecs[:, :,:, 0] = freqs.reshape((1, ngrid, 1, 1))
kvecs[:, :,:, 1] = freqs.reshape((1, 1, ngrid, 1))
kvecs[:, :,:, 2] = abs(freqs[:ngrid/2+1].reshape((1, 1, 1, ngrid/2+1)))
k = (kvecs ** 2).sum(axis=3)
assert k.shape == recip_rho_grid.shape
recip_phi_grid = 4 * math.pi * recip_rho_grid / k ** 2
recip_phi_grid[np.where(k == 0)] = 0
phi_grid = np.fft.irfftn(recip_phi_grid, grid.shape)
grad_phi_grid = np.concatenate((np.fft.irfftn(-1.j*kvecs[:, :,:, 0]*recip_phi_grid, grid.shape)[:,:,:, np.newaxis],
np.fft.irfftn(-1.j*kvecs[:, :,:, 1]*recip_phi_grid, grid.shape)[:,:,:, np.newaxis],
np.fft.irfftn(-1.j*kvecs[:, :,:, 2]*recip_phi_grid, grid.shape)[:,:,:, np.newaxis]),
ipos_I = np.array((ipos - x0) / dx, dtype=int)
phi = np.array([phi_grid[x, y, z] for x, y, z in ipos_I])
grad_phi = np.array([grad_phi_grid[x, y, z, :] for x, y, z in ipos_I])
phi = phi.view(array.SimArray)
phi.units = units.G * f['mass'].units / f['pos'].units
grad_phi = grad_phi.view(array.SimArray)
grad_phi.units = units.G * f['mass'].units / f['pos'].units ** 2
return phi, -grad_phi
def midplane_rot_curve(f: SimSnap, rxy_points: np.ndarray, eps: float | SimArray | None = None):
"""Calculate the rotation curve of a disk galaxy in the x-y midplane (with z=0)
f : SimSnap
The snapshot to calculate the rotation curve for
rxy_points : array_like
Radii at which to calculate the rotation curve, in the xy-plane
The gravitational softening length. See :func:`pynbody.gravity.direct` for details of
how this is used, and what happens when it is not specified.
v : array.SimArray
The rotation curve at the specified radii
# u_out = (units.G * f['mass'].units / f['pos'].units)**(1,2)
# Do four samples like Tipsy does
rs = [pos for r in rxy_points for pos in [
(r, 0, 0), (0, r, 0), (-r, 0, 0), (0, -r, 0)]]
pot, accel = direct(f, np.array(rs, dtype=f['pos'].dtype), eps=eps)
u_out = (accel.units * f['pos'].units) ** (1, 2)
# accel = array.SimArray(m_by_r2,units.G * f['mass'].units / (f['pos'].units**2) )
vels = []
i = 0
for r in rxy_points:
r_acc_r = []
for pos in [(r, 0, 0), (0, r, 0), (-r, 0, 0), (0, -r, 0)]:
r_acc_r.append(np.dot(-accel[i, :], pos))
i = i + 1
vel2 = np.mean(r_acc_r)
if vel2 > 0:
vel = math.sqrt(vel2)
vel = 0
x = array.SimArray(vels, units=u_out)
x.sim = f.ancestor
return x
def midplane_potential(f, rxy_points, eps=None):
"""Calculate the potential of a disk galaxy in the x-y midplane (with z=0)
f :
The snapshot to calculate the potential for
rxy_points :
A list or array of radii at which to calculate the potential, in the xy-plane
eps :
The gravitational softening length. See :func:`pynbody.gravity.direct` for details of
how this is used, or what happens when it is not specified.
v : array.SimArray
The potential at the specified radii
u_out = units.G * f['mass'].units / f['pos'].units
# Do four samples like Tipsy does
rs = [pos for r in rxy_points for pos in [
(r, 0, 0), (0, r, 0), (-r, 0, 0), (0, -r, 0)]]
m_by_r, m_by_r2 = direct(f, np.array(rs, dtype=f['pos'].dtype), eps=eps)
potential = units.G * m_by_r * f['mass'].units / f['pos'].units
pots = []
i = 0
for r in rxy_points:
# Do four samples like Tipsy does
pot = []
for pos in [(r, 0, 0), (0, r, 0), (-r, 0, 0), (0, -r, 0)]:
i = i + 1
x = array.SimArray(pots, units=u_out)
x.sim = f.ancestor
return x