Source code for pynbody.test_utils

"""Utilities for downloading and unpacking test data packages"""

import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import urllib.request

test_data_packages = {
    'swift': {'path': 'SWIFT',
              'archive_name': 'swift.tar.gz'},
    'adaptahop_longint': {'path': 'adaptahop_longint',
                       'archive_name': 'adaptahop_longint.tar.gz'},
    'arepo': {'path': 'arepo',
              'archive_name': 'arepo.tar.gz'},
    'gadget': {'path': 'gadget2',
               'archive_name': 'gadget.tar.gz'},
    'hbt': {'path': 'gadget4_subfind_HBT',
            'archive_name': 'gadget4_subfind_HBT.tar.gz'},
    'gasoline_ahf': {'path': 'gasoline_ahf',
                     'archive_name': 'gasoline.tar.gz'},
    'gizmo': {'path': 'gizmo',
                'archive_name': 'gizmo.tar.gz'},
    'grafic': {'path': 'grafic_test',
                'archive_name': 'grafic.tar.gz'},
    'lpicola': {'path': 'lpicola',
                'archive_name': 'lpicola.tar.gz'},
    'nchilada': {'path': 'nchilada_test',
                 'archive_name': 'nchilada.tar.gz'},
    'ramses': {'path': 'ramses',
               'archive_name': 'ramses.tar.gz'},
    'rockstar': {'path': 'rockstar',
                 'archive_name': 'rockstar.tar.gz'},
    'subfind': {'path': 'subfind',
                'archive_name': 'subfind.tar.gz'},
    'tng_subfind': {'path': 'arepo/tng',
                    'archive_name': 'tng_subfind.tar.gz'},

test_data_url = "{archive_name}?download=1"

[docs] def precache_test_data(): """Download and unpack all test data packages.""" for package in test_data_packages.values(): _download_and_unpack_test_data_if_not_present(package)
[docs] def test_data_hash(): """Return a hash representing the data packages to be downloaded""" # print a hex digest of the hash of the test data package urls import hashlib m = hashlib.sha256() for package_name in test_data_packages: m.update(test_data_packages[package_name]['archive_name'].encode()) m.update(test_data_url.encode()) return m.hexdigest()
[docs] def download_and_unpack_test_data(archive_name): """Download and unpack test data with the given archive name and unpack path. Equivalent to running: wget{archive_name}?download=1 tar -xzf {archive_name} """ url = test_data_url.format(archive_name=archive_name) unpack_path = f"testdata/" if not os.path.exists("testdata"): os.mkdir("testdata") # Wanted to do the following, but it fails with a certificate error on macos # #with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as data_file: # with as tar: # tar.extractall(unpack_path)["wget", "-O", archive_name, url], check=True) # Unpack the tar file with as tar: tar.extractall(unpack_path, filter='data') # Remove the downloaded tar file os.remove(archive_name)
[docs] def ensure_test_data_available(*package_names): """Ensure that the specified test data packages are available in the testdata directory.""" for package_name in package_names: if package_name not in test_data_packages: raise ValueError(f"Test data package {package_name} not found in test_data_packages") package = test_data_packages[package_name] _download_and_unpack_test_data_if_not_present(package)
def _download_and_unpack_test_data_if_not_present(package): if not pathlib.Path(f"testdata/{package['path']}").exists(): download_and_unpack_test_data(package['archive_name'])